Friday, July 20, 2012

7 Quick Takes

1.  We are having our office painted and new carpets put in as well.  It is needed.  So, we have to pack up our offices.  I am embarrassed that I have the most boxes and am the newest person in the office.  In my defense,  have heaps (lots) of books, many inherited, some quite large, all  most necessary, and multiples of some.  There were no memos though from 1986 in my office as I found in another office I packed.  Actually I tossed/recycled most of the stuff from the other office.

2.  Cleaning out the unoccupied office has made me stop and think about what I buy and save.  I suppose now it really is easier to keep things electronically so there is less paper accumulation.  In my line of work though, it is the endless prayer cards, bookmarks, rosaries, medals, and pictures that people give you so they don't have to throw them away.  "Give it the children" they say.  How many times can you give a rosary as a prize?

 3.  I saw the most wonderful pink car on the way to work Wednesday.  If I were to ever to come into some extra money, I'd consider a pink car.  I really would. Dreams!

4.  A bird died in our driveway last night.  According to my husband it had been there for day or so looking pathetic.  Last night he gave it some water, a few hours later it was dead.  It is behind the back tire of our daughter's car and she believes it is her father's responsibility to remove it; he's not convinced.  I am hoping nature takes over and it's gone when we get home later today.

5.  A few new (to me websites)  Busted Halo; Waking up Catholic; At Home with our Faith

6.  A project for the New Evangelization is going on at New Evangelizers-Know you Faith, Live your Faith, Share your Faith.  Yours truly will be writing posts twice a month of a catechetical nature.  My first post will be up  on Monday about The Year of Faith.

7.  Off for some fun now with my daughter.
For more Quick Takes, go visit Conversion Diary!

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