Sunday, January 27, 2013


I realized today that I am being called to grow in some very ironic ways in the next few months.  No big lightening bolts coming down from heaven, but it dawned on me that I am doing two things that if you knew me personally would sort of surprise you.  First, I am hosting a puppy shower. Why and what is that about?  Well, a friend of mine's son has juvenile diabetes and he is going to get a diabetic alert dog or DAD; hence the puppy shower.  And while dogs are not my favorite creatures (I prefer two legged) this is a great way to help my friend and teach people about juvenile diabetes and what a DAD can do for people. Plus, I love to throw parties!  And who can resist those faces?

This next area is way more of a stretch since I am fond of telling people that country music is against my religion.  (joking people, just joking).  Our vacation bible school is SonWest Roundup from Liguori Press.  It is a western walk through Exodus, complete with twangy music, western themed decor and cowboy hats.  I will have to say things like "Howdy" and "Yee Haw"; go to a rodeo; and sit on a bale of hay.  The things we do for love of Jesus.
Honestly, I'm in with the puppy shower 100%; the country music though is tough.  I can't grimace in front of all the kids while singing.  I need a desensitization plan which I am fairly certain will involve listening to country music.  It's just so twangy.

1 comment:

Pam said...

I'll send my husband over with his banjo, I think that would be a good place to start :)