I believe technology is a good thing. I use it as often as possible and love to learn about new technology. Today was a learn new thing day or maybe it was a re-learn moment, I'm still not sure. I was asked to help our women's guild with their meeting since they didn't have a speaker. No, they didn't ask me to speak; they want to show a video and thought I might have something, well, I didn't. After much searching we settled on two Matthew Kelly youtube clips about The Mass.
I arrange to borrow a projector, and do a dry run. Two hours later...I think I have it figured out. First, I take this very heavy machine out of the case along with the cord and a cable with those pinpoint

thingees on each end. WOW! I haven't seen one of those in a while but I move forward, connecting power cords and cables, turning on devices and viola, it works on the first try! Well, no, if it did why would I be telling you this story? I get the picture to project, but on 2/3 of it is on the wall, even though all of it is on the laptop screen. So then I have the brilliant idea to have it only project and not be on the laptop, thinking it would work better that way. Except, it doesn't it and I can't get out this because I can't see what I need to on the screen. Plus, it's very blurry and I don't have on my glasses which I need for distance. So, now I am not happy, it's too late to call the guy I borrowed the projector from,and my screen is black. So I proceed to so the most important high tech trick I know. I turn off both machines, say a prayer and start again. I change the screen resolution numerous times, I toggle the FN and F5 key, I toggle the Windows key and P... not working I'm annoyed, I'm hungry, I'm thirsty and need to go to the bathroom. I take care of those issues and then back to the machines. I download one thinking that maybe if I play it directly form my computer it will work. No. I'm desperate. I change the input on the projector. Nothing. I look for a book in the projector case. Nothing. I start moving the cable to different inputs on the projector, It WORKS on input 2 with a full screen picture. Now I can see Matthew Kelly in all his Aussie glory in the center of the screen.
And so woman wins over the machine. Let's hope I win at the meeting!
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