Friday, April 12, 2013

7 Quick Takes

This week we are hosted at Camp Patton as Jennifer at Conversion Diary just had a baby.

1.  It is early in the morning as I write these quick takes.  I was not awakened by a baby, toddler or snoring husband but for the ninth, yes 9th, night in a row, I am not sleeping through the night.  I have circles under my eyes and lines over the bridge of my nose.  I've tried my usual tricks and no luck.  I have not had more than six hours of sleep a night and that's not good.  Not only because it's all over my face, but now my brain is slowing down.  I need sleep to function or I'll have to stop working soon because typing right now feels like I am operating heavy machinery and I drive thirty minutes to work.  

2.  I read lots of interesting posts about broken bones and potty training and cute things kids say.  These stories remind me of life with my children and I am tempted to write little stories about that time but I feel like it's cheating somehow. 

3.  Last weekend my daughter and I went shopping for a bridesmaid dress for her.  I suppose shopping is a relative term, since we didn't pick it out, which was so easy.  I was dreading it as E. has no shopping gene.  Except for shampoo and conditioner, honest.  But since the dress and color was decided on by the bride all we did was follow instructions.  Took maybe thirty minutes and most of it searching for the bride on the computer and locating the dress.  We tried on two different sizes and were all done.  Best of all, the dress looks nice and E. says she'll wear it again.  It's a cute dress and blue, which is her favorite color.

4.  I enjoy most facets of my job.  I have minimal paperwork, can be creative, and get to teach about my favorite subject, Catholicism.  The one thing I dislike is confirmation preparation.  Sunday is confirmation so last night was rehearsal.  I am going to rant now, so if you'd rather not hear it, go to #5. It is bad enough when the ninth graders talk when they shouldn't but the adults!!?  And why must people be told to stop texting?  Where are your manners? Why do you look at me and your pastor like we have three heads?  The best word to sum up the group is apathetic.  When I organized them for the group picture, my favorite was the young man who stood directly behind the pastor and seemed confused when I told him that would not work.  If I could manufacture and sell common sense I could pay someone else to take care of confirmation.  The worst part is I am not who I am with the group.  I have to pull myself away from the snarky, sarcastic ledge and force myself to be nice civil.
5.  I bought fabric to make some dresses.  I've decided that finding tops and bottoms to match is too much work every morning. The other point is that it is very hot here (not a complaint, I like it) so a dress looks totally put together and more polished than a skirt and tee.  And cooler since it seems to be getting harder and harder to find cotton tops.   I made one dress Sunday and today or tomorrow I'll make another one.  I did up the bight multicolored one already, I think I'll do the navy with pink next.  
6. Besides sewing I have two other important tasks to accomplish by Sunday.  I have to find all of our tax papers so we can prepare our 2012 tax return. By we I really mean my husband, who I try not to go near unless he needs me to find papers.  I also will be baking chocolate chip cookies for the Bishop's lunch at the rectory after Confirmation Mass.  

7. Right now I really wish I drank caffeinated coffee.