First, The Grace of Yes; Eight Virtues for Generous Living by Lisa Hendey is a wonderful book filled with real-life stories of people and their "yeses" to God, to others and to themselves. Lisa and I are the same age, so I had a few laughs as she described her favorite Church songs and shed a few tears over the more serious memories. I am not a person who often cries when reading, let alone while I am on the treadmill at the gym, but I did. Each chapter ends with a prayer and questions to ponder. My full review is here.
Next up, the book club. The book club you can attend in your pj's, with your coffee and no makeup. But wait, there's more, you don't have to read the book! Book clubs at CatholicMom are awesome. You read the post about the current chapter and then respond to the questions in the comment section or on your blog. Of course, reading the book makes it more interesting.
You can also look forward to The Grace of Yes Day on November 18. The plan is to flood social media with photos and examples of saying Yes to God. Don't forget to use the #GraceofYes when you post, tweet, Facebook or instagram!
Isn't that goldfish on the cover cute? It's Fiat.
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