Friday, February 29, 2008


You know, as an adult with two adult children, I sometimes wonder about my mom always saying you never really stop worrying. Because lately I have, mostly due to much soul searching and prayer and the realization that very little is in your control anyway. So, last night, I was in the ER with my man-boy 21 year old son who collapsed at work and was taken to the hospital. It reminded of the last time I sat stood next to him when he was 9 and getting 16 stitches or so above his eye. Blood everyone, him very pale, not letting go of my hand. This time he was not so compliant or happy. I will attribute that to his racing heart rate. All the tests came back negative but next week we have to go to the neurosurgeon and probably have an EEG. He is not happy and difficult to reason with, because he feels fine. So, back to worrying, no, not really, I keeping offering up the prayers and remember that as much as my husband and I want what is best for our son, God does even more.

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