Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mass or was it back to work?

We went to 9:30 Mass this morning. Or did I go to work at that time? I work and worship a the same place and some days it seem like worship does not occur much. The lector did not show up, so I did that; we were short one Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, so I did that. Then off to the parish hall to socialize with folks over coffee and a bagel. I tried to just visit, but people kept coming to talk to me about problems that needed to be solved.
Last Sunday, Mass was so very different. I just sat in the pew with no responsibilities other than being present to our Lord and thanking Him. After Mass I held my niece's hand as we walked home after her third first communion. I missed the first, but got to see the dress and pictures are on the way.
I do love what I do though, so I can't complain. And bless my husband for putting up with all I do on Sunday mornings.

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