Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Work is my Vocation

I often forget that, especially when the first email of the day is a bit of a diatribe about all the things that are wrong with the newsletter and surprise! so is the last email of the day. Ugh. We read the upcoming Sunday's Gospel which I am too tired to look up just now but basically Jesus calls his apostles and then sent them forth to cure the sick, cast out demons, etc... Me, all I try to do on a daily basis is be nice to people and accomplish at least one thing on my 'to-do' list so my boss aka the pastor, stops asking me about the website and the newsletter.
I have to remember that it is a vocation when the program I use to schedule the liturgical ministers stops working in the middle of data input.
I have to remember it is a vocation when I get to work at 8:30 am and leave at 10:00 pm.
I have to remember it is a vocation when at staff meeting people offer to help the new DRE with VBS but tell me to find someone to take care of name tags and why isn't the website up yet?
Hang in there, I'm almost done.
I have to remember it is a vocation when the boss says you are responsible for working with the ministries and coordinating fund raising efforts, as long it is not a ministry a staff person is responsible for, those ministry heads answer to no one.
I have to remember it is a vocation when a hurting woman comes to me and tells me her marriage is falling apart and all I can do is listen and pray.
I have to remember it is a vocation when I bag food for people who are hungry and kids get excited because there are cookies for them in the bag.
I have to remember it is a vocation when I am able to share in the journey of so many people, young and old, who love Jesus and our Church.
It is a vocation, a wonderful one full of opportunities for growth. It is also the way I am to unite my sufferings to those of Jesus on the cross, as my dear friend Sr. Marta reminded me today. She knew this change in jobs would mean carrying a bigger cross but she, like so many others, pray for me. And so with their prayers and my reminder to offer it up, I persevere in my vocation.

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