Sunday, October 19, 2008

Stewardship Conference

Chicago was great! The conference was very informative, affirming and convicting. I learned many new things and heard useful information. Most notable were the presentations on pastoral planning, assessing your stewardship efforts, and how to help lay witnesses prepare their talks. I was affirmed in belief that planning is important, that the Eucharist is our center, and that stewardship is really discipleship. I was convicted on the need for our parish to begin tithing and to educate more on the Eucharist.
That's the good news. The not so good, is that in addition to all the information, we brought home colds. I however, started taking various herbs and of course, Silver Shield and feel good. My pastor, takes nothing and is now coughing up a storm and thinks he's getting pink eye. Our other travelling companion, (a member of the stewardship council) has a stuffy nose and head.
I am preparing this week for our annual Cornucopia Ball but will post more of what I've learned soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the silver shield liquid and gel are both awesome products