The Trinity fascinates me. A book I am reading poses this ," Discuss ways in which your image of God does or does not include God as Trinity?"
For me, God is the Trinity. God is all three persons in one, not separated at all into any distinct persons. Julian of Norwich calls the Father our creator, Jesus our Redeemer and the Holy Spirit our Sanctifier. But, together they form an undivided person whom I call God. He is the ONE who is responsible for all that I have been given; life, family, health, faith, love, the list is very long. Each person of the Trinity acts in accord with the others and it is through the great love of the Father and the Son that the Holy Spirit is present. It is about relationship. We then, can enter into a relationship with God through Father, Son, or Spirit. You cannot believe in one person of the Trinity and not the others. Each is as important as the others in terms of equality and knowledge of and faith in each person furthers my relationship with God.
For me, God is the Trinity. God is all three persons in one, not separated at all into any distinct persons. Julian of Norwich calls the Father our creator, Jesus our Redeemer and the Holy Spirit our Sanctifier. But, together they form an undivided person whom I call God. He is the ONE who is responsible for all that I have been given; life, family, health, faith, love, the list is very long. Each person of the Trinity acts in accord with the others and it is through the great love of the Father and the Son that the Holy Spirit is present. It is about relationship. We then, can enter into a relationship with God through Father, Son, or Spirit. You cannot believe in one person of the Trinity and not the others. Each is as important as the others in terms of equality and knowledge of and faith in each person furthers my relationship with God.
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