Tuesday, March 3, 2009


And I am not talking about food here. I am talking about quiet, the quiet that is both inside and outside of me. It is a strange new phenomena for me. You see, I am an extrovert. When I had my office on the other side of the parish hall, I had ample alone time. When I was on the phone, no one else could hear me. I even had my own bathroom. So, I guess I never noticed I needed time alone since I had it to a degree. Now, actually since last January, I have been in my office literally surrounded by people. On the other side of the wall (which stops about 2 feet from the ceiling) sits the music minister and his clocks! Yes, clocks, three different ones to be precise. Two which chirp various bird sounds and one which sounds like an organ. Add this to the pastor's co-co clock and every half hour and hour it's a bit loud. However, none of the clocks go off at the same time as they are each set with a few minutes difference. If I keep my door closed it is somehow viewed as anti-social or office or something. Then there is the phone issue! The two people across the hall hear me and sometimes I think one of them is just listening on purpose. The music minister never pays attention to me nor I to him, so why these other people do is beyond me.

Back to the thought, quiet. Absolute quiet, silence. The only thing to hear is my own beating heart and breath. So, today after work I went for a drive and then to Adoration. Excellent decision on my part. I feel like I've had a good night's sleep.

And it's not as if my house is noisy, it is just my husband and me. So, the other need is for solitude and Jesus answered my plea before I even realized it because when I first went into the Adoration chapel it was just the two of us. Selfishly, I like it best that way. When person number 5 entered, I said good night.

Quiet is again what I have in the house, no tv, no music, just the keyboard sounds and the wind.
I really like this. WOW!

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