Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter and the Parish Staff

So, today I have the day off to recover from the Triduum. Yes, recover is the right word. You see, I work at church. So here is what goes on behind the scenes:
Holy Thursday: check and explain foot washing to 12 people
move chairs out of the sanctuary after foot washing
coordinate ushers
get a bowl of warm, soapy water for the priests to wash their hands in after foot washing (this was done during Mass, because it was forgotten, I was unobtrusive as possible climbing the steps to the credence table!)
find the Humeral veil and put it up near the altar for the procession at the end of Mass

Good Friday: slow, actually was able to pray the Stations and during the Passion Service, my husband did a great job reading the Passion.

Holy Saturday/Ester Vigil: Breakfast at 8:30 for 80 or so, all RCIA/RICA folks and sponsors and teams.
Vigil: set out candles, review readings with Lectors, coordinate ushers, help people find seats in the dark, give out candles and programs, make opening announcements,(English and Spanish) signal music to stop after Baptisms, mop floor around font after Baptisms, we go into the font, so there is lots of water, collect candles, put gate in front of the font so no one goes for a swim on Sunday morning!

Easter Sunday: attend 6:30 a.m Mass to actually worship! Then, the fun begins. Two masses at 8, 9:30 and 11; one in the main Church the other in the parish hall. So, we have lectors, ushers, and altar servers everywhere! Not enough cords for the server robes, so the kids have to wait to finish dressing. Holding people outside until Mass is over before letting people in for the next one. Begging people to go to the Chapel to sit or the parish hall. People angry that at 8:00, the main church is full. 1 person collapsed in the Hall and 911 was called and one person was bleeding profusely in the church after the kneeler fell on her leg. We helped her out with a wheelchair. I distributed communion at 3 Masses in the Chapel, helped with the collections, and basically ran around doing whatever needed to be done. I am estimating that 8,000 people came to Church this Sunday.

At 1:00 pm I was home and having a tall glass of water and my vitamins.

This doesn't even begin to tell what I did before the weekend. A short list: organized all the needed liturgical ministers for all the liturgies, I baked biscotti and Italian Easter cookies for everyone who helped all weekend. A total of 160 bags of treats, about 45 dozen cookies. Made 8 dozen muffins for the RCIA breakfast. Well, it was all worth it.

Why am I telling you all this, so that when you see the parish staff, don't say, "You look tired" you say "Thanks and God Bless You."

Sunday afternoon we spent with close friends, enjoying great food, conversation, and relaxing. God is so good.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

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