Monday, January 4, 2010

2009 Review, 2

I neglected to mention a few important things from the past year. One is that a dear friend is back in our lives and words cannot express my happiness at this event. It all worked out due to the Holy Spirit, much prayer, and openness. Also, we have started to have praise and worship evenings at our home, which has drawn another friend back into music and ministry. Also, our son is dating a very nice young woman, whom I am working on not getting too attached to, in case she isn't the one.
A small sadness was my grandmother's car. She had given it to us a few years back when she could no longer see well enough to drive. In late November it took it's final journey and we had it towed away. It was odd, I couldn't watch it being towed away. It reminded me again that she is gone.
I think I am ready to put 2009 to rest.

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