Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today I went to church for our usual Saturday Baptisms. I went because I good friend's daughter was being baptized. It turned out that the other baby was also someone I knew.
As I stood there, watching, listening and praying I was struck by this thought, both moms had been through our RCIA program as had one of the godmothers. So, I was thinking how this is really what passing on the faith is about. I was privileged to be a part of these three faith journeys and now, a new journey begins with the children. As the priest traced a cross on the babies' ears, lips and eyes, I was reminded when that happens on Holy Saturday to those who are to be baptized at the Easter Vigil. I will ask my friend if the memory came back to her as well, since she was baptized only three years.
It was bittersweet for me, since I don't walk with people in the same way on their faith journeys any longer.

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