Monday, September 27, 2010

Never Give Up - A Book Review

"Never Give Up; My Life and God's Mercy" by John Janaro is an uplifting book with much to offer anyone who suffers, loves someone who suffers, or may suffer in the future.  In short, most people walking around at one time of thier lives or another.
The book includes information about what Janaro specifically suffers with on an ongoing basis, but he tells his story with such honesty and humor, you don't come away feeling sorry for him.  I came away with some great insights for myself, for example, the difference between a grumble and a lament.  "The lament is a prayer; read the Pslams.  It is a cry of pain - the pain that a creatyre feels under the weight of the transforming pressure of the divine Creator and Lover, who carries out his mysterious plan for my life via an incomprehensible suffering.  The grumble, on the other hand, is a loss of trust in God motivated by my own misery.  It gets me forty more years in hte desert - read the book of Exodus." 
I appreciated his insights into God's mercy, as that topic fascinates me presonally. He reminded me that God's help is his mercy.
There are also prayers in the book for yourself, for others, for when you have run out of words and trust is hard to hold on to, you can pray "  Lead me, by the glory that slips between the crack of faith's eye, to trust in you, to spy the promise of all made new."

This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Never Give Up - My Life and God's Mercy.Also be sure to check out their great selection of baptism gifts.

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