Monday, July 16, 2012

Book Review: Staying Faithful Today-To God, Ourselves, One Another

In seven brief, easy to read chapters, Fr. Alfred McBride, tells us how and why to be faithful in a culture that values fulfillment far more than faithfulness.  First and foremost, we must love as Jesus, as he is the "absolute icon of what :staying faithful" really means."  We are reminded that God is always faithful to us and we must be faithful to ourselves, friends, communities, and our marriages.  The last chapter discusses priests and faithfulness to the vocation they have chosen.
 This is the first book of Fr. McBride's that I have read and his catechetical experience comes through with this clearly and concisely written book.  He weaves in scriptures, personal stories, and saints to make his points and then ties each chapter up with a conclusion, personal application and group discussion questions. 
This book would be great for a book group.  College students to senior citizens would enjoy it.  This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Staying Faithful Today - To God, Ourselves, One Another. This is also a great Catholic gift store for all your seasonal shopping needs, such as Christian wedding gifts and Catholic Garden Gifts.

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