Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Adam, What's it all about?

What's Christmas Adam?  Well, it's the day before Christmas Eve of course.  Why, well, because Adam came before Eve and when you are a little kid you want as many celebrations in your life as possible.  It happened long ago on a probably warm winter evening as we sat under the ceiling fan discussing plans for Christmas and Christmas Eve.  One of our children, truly I have no recollection of who said it, asked what the day before Christmas Eve was called and the other replied, Christmas Adam!  And so it is, at least at our house.
Our family dream is for this idea of celebrating on this day spread throughout the land.  Joyous celebrations for embracing fun and all that is good about this season.
Try it.  Use it as a day to get together with people you love but may not spend Christmas with because they go to mom's house. Make it the wrapping day so on Christmas Eve you relax and welcome Jesus with peace and calm instead of wrapping paper and tape. Call people you haven't spoken to in a while.
Do something fun; anticipate the birth; be present to those you love.

And make our little family dream come true.

1 comment:

Terry G said...

This is a great idea! Can't wait to celebrate Christmas Adam.