Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lawn Chair Catechism - Session 3

03-LawnChairCatechismSquareChapter 2 - We Don't Know what Normal Is

. . . It is NORMAL for lay Catholics to be excited Christian activists.
. . . It is NORMAL for lay Catholics to be knowledgeable of their faith, the Scriptures, the doctrinal and moral teachings of the Church, and the history of the Church.
. . . It is NORMAL for lay Catholics to have fellowship of other committed lay Catholics available to them, to encourage, nurture, and discern as they attempt to follow Jesus.
. . . It is NORMAL for the local parish to function consciously as a house for formation for lay Catholics . . ..  (this is taken from the book, Forming Intentional Disciples by Sherry Weddell which we are studying this summer over at CatholicMom.  Join in the conversation on your blog or in the comment box.
Discussion Questions:Are you comfortable talking with others about your relationship with God?
Would you say that you’re a “normal” Catholic using the criteria outlined above?
Or are you a “typical” Catholic, fighting that feeling that interest in the faith is only for a few pious eccentrics?
In your parish:
Do you personally have, within your parish, a group of Catholics you meet with regularly, to discuss the faith, study the faith, and encourage each other to greater virtue?
At this time, does your parish have in place a working system for actively mentoring those who want to grow in their relationship with God?

Just looking at the title of the chapter  I'd have to agree.  What is normal?  I certainly cannot qualify as "normal" is you take it to mean "usual".
I feel as if I have an unfair advantage in answering these questions.  After all, it is my job, career, vocation, basically my life's work - to talk about my faith and teach others about the faith.  I am NORMAL!  Wow, didn't see that one coming.
However, I think I live in a very small world.  In my small world most everyone goes to Mass each week, thinks confession is a good thing, is involved in ministry, say they'll pray for you and do, were sitting on the edge of their seats waiting to hear who our new Pope would be, plan dates/get togethers around Mass and/or Adoration and carry a rosary on their person just about always. Please do not take this to mean my friends are oh so very holy or overly pious.  We are not, but we live our faith out on a daily basis and really do work for Jesus.

I participate in Cursillo and it is through this group that I meet with other women to discuss my faith life. It is not a parish group, but a diocesan one which is open to all Catholics.  My work parish does not have any small group devoted specifically to spiritual growth but our Bible studies certainly help people learn more and in turn hopefully deepen their faith.  My home parish has some great small groups - Men's, Separated and Divorced, youth ministry- which all help a person grow in their relationship with God. 

1 comment:

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

Maybe it's a small world, but it sounds like a really good one to me! Enjoy the blessings that come with your small world!