Friday, March 28, 2014

7 Quick Takes

1.  It's Friday night and I imagine most folks are either out having loads of fun or getting ready to crash on the couch after a long week.  I was going to have fun by crashing on the couch with my husband, watching some Netflix.  I know, we are W I L D.  Alas, he is ill.  But not from my cooking or I would be sick and I'm not, I'm having tea and writing my quick takes.

2.  Before I started writing I checked out some of the posts at Conversion Diary where we link up for these takes.  Lots of pictures of pregnant women this week, just saying. It makes me feel a bit old, that's all.  But then I met someone with the same name as me! Seriously, not usual for me at all.  Her blog is Life Out of the Boat.  I like that name.  It's a win/win, great name and great blog name.

3.  My son is moving so our garage is full of his things.  Technically it's only half full since the car still fits in the garage.  My daughter and I were looking at all of the stuff and she said, "This is all he has?"  in a sort of "that's not very much" tone.  I said, "I guess so, unless there's more in the house we didn't see."  Turns out, it's not all his stuff, more is coming this weekend!

If I do enough squats, will I look like her?
4.  I asked my trainer today if he stayed up nights thinking of ways to torture me.  He says he does not but I find that more frightening than reassuring.  I think I did at least five different types of squats this afternoon.  And not just one set of each, multiple sets of twenty five.  I estimate I did two hundred total and I am not exaggerating for story telling purposes.

5.  My legs are shaking all over again just thinking about those squats.

6.  Okay, I'll be serious.  I am reading a great book, Evangelical Catholicism by George Weigel.  It is a great book about what Catholicism looks like now.  I've just finished part one.  I will have a series of posts about it over at New Evangelizers starting this Monday.

7.  Shameless self-promotion, my reflection on today's Gospel over at CatholicMom.  IMHO, those reflections, written each day by a different person are awesome.  And not just moms, everyone.  Really.  Go see.

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