Thursday, March 6, 2014

Small Success Thursday

Small Success Thursday
Any good news this week?  Sure there is. I kinda sorta feel like all I did was get ready for Ash Wednesday. 

1.  Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and an elderly couple could not make it to our regular ash distribution.  They called the day before and asked if they could come in the afternoon and get ashes.  So I gave them ashes.  The wife had trouble getting out of the car so I just gave them to her while she sat in the car.  The husband told us that we were the nicest people he's seen in a long time working in a Catholic church.  He suggested we give lessons to a few parishes. They were very sweet; only one flaw really - Seminole fans. 

2.  My husband has lived through taking his comprehensive exam.  Now we just have to wait and find out if he passed.  I realize this is not my success, but still, it's a big deal.  I did make him breakfast this morning before he left for the seminary, does that count for something?

3.  I placed orders at work that have been hanging over my head.  Actually I moved on a few things at work which have been hanging around for unnecessarily long periods of time.  I still have a few more.  

For more successes join us over at Catholic Mom!


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