Friday, September 19, 2014

7 Quick Takes; the before caffeine edition

1.  Last Sunday we went to Mass at the seminary.  I always love it there because the liturgy is so beautifully done.  When we were talking about it our daughter commented how Mass how much she liked the Mass.  I asked her why and she said, "because everyone knew what to do and did it and it all went the way Mass should go" (I'm paraphrasing, it was days ago).  Every now and then, I see me in her.  That day, the liturgy snob was alive and well, I'm so proud!  Really, what I see as important to a Mass celebrated well is when no one part or person overshadows the rite.  It is about worship to God, thanksgiving,  the Eucharist, not about calling attention to self.  That is why Mass there is so wonderful.

2.  It's that time of year when my patience is tested very regularly.  Faith formation classes begin this Sunday.  It's not the children.  It's not the people who forget to register before Sunday.  It's not the people who are struggling to figure out this whole faith life.  It's the people who lie to me. Every year I hear new stories as to why they didn't register last year for year one of the two year program or why they don't come to Mass or how they never get information.  How do I know they are lying?  I'm a mom.  I've worked in ministry for over thirty years. I understand it's hard to admit you made a mistake, but please don't blame me.  We can't solve the problem by lying and blaming,

3.  What is it like to be the woman who has the same hair style for years?  Men have the same style for life.  My husband's idea of a change in his style is to part it on the other side.  If you took pictures of me from the last twelve months my hair rarely looks the same.  Similar, but not the same.  I wonder if I have a deep psychological problem.

4.  Yesterday we made a change in phone and internet providers at work.  We were without internet almost all day which also meant we had no access to the main server and could not print.  I didn't get done most of what was on my task list but I was busy doing "stuff" that just filled up the time.  Of course, that means as some point before Sunday I have work to do at home for Sunday.

5. The widening of our little canal brought us ants, which are still hanging around the house, and a broken mailbox.  The post is so wobbly and they promised my husband they would fix it last week but now they are two streets away and have probably forgotten all about it.  Along with all the pallets from the grass my yard on that side is looking quite unkempt.

6.  This is my least favorite time of year weather wise in Florida.  All around there are sweaters and boots for sale, fall ads with pretty leaves and of course, pumpkin everything.  Except we are all wearing sleeveless tops and shorts and if my husband was able, we'd go to the beach!  It's the only time I mind the heat, from now until Halloween I long for Fall.

7.  For the last two months my husband and I have been sleeping on the other's side of the bed.  We did this so I would not be near his injured toe while sleeping.  We just can't adjust.  Both of us wake up at times confused, turning to the wrong side to get out of bed, surprised when we feel more bed and not space.  I've almost fallen off the bed.  I can't wait to go back to "my side" of our bed.

More Quick Takes at Conversion Diary!


Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

There is no possible way I could sleep on the other side of the bed. Hope your Hubs' toe heals quickly!

Deanna said...
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