Sunday, November 9, 2014

Weekend Thanks

Let's start with yesterday's gratitude:  spent time with my husband, took care of errands, and had a very productive meeting.

I woke up way too early, so I decided to go to the office and get a jump start of some work.  On my way to work, the sun was rising and the sky was full of golden pinks.  I wanted to take a picture but I also wanted to arrive at work alive. It turned out that going to work was a waste of time since we had no internet connection.  I tried and tried to fix it, but nothing worked. Hopefully it will be fixed tomorrow.  Mass was beautiful and faith formation dismissal went smoothly, even with the pouring rain.  The best part of my day was surprising a friend with a baby shower at a local restaurant.  We had a good time, good food and lots of laughs. And cupcakes!

I had to really focus today on being grateful despite quite a few difficult situations.  I was reminded that our response to the curve balls does make a difference.  We can choose to dwell on the bad or let it go and move forward.  Today I kept checking my response.

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