Sunday, June 7, 2015

Portobello Mushroom Pizza

I hesitate to even call this a recipe.  It is that easy.  And in my house, even easier since the man mans the grill!


4 large portobello mushroom caps
1 tomato, thinly sliced
grated Parmesan cheese or any cheese you like

Remove stems from mushroom caps, clean and then brush with olive oil
Grill until soft, turning a few times
Have the mushrooms on the grill stem side up, add the tomato slices, 1 or 2 each and then put the cheese on top of that.  Close the grill lid so the cheese melts
Serve and enjoy!

I made this Keto Bread to go with it, it's made with almond flour.  I follow the recipe as is, except I use about 2 tablespoons coconut oil instead of butter.  Also, oven temperature in Fahrenheit is 400.

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