Saturday, November 29, 2008

Book Meme

I was tagged by Ebeth, so here I go:

The Rules:
Pass this on to 5 blogging friends. Open the closest book to you, not your favorite or most intellectual book, but the book closest to you at the moment, to page 56. Write the 5th sentence, as well as two to five sentences following that.

The first book (an Advent prayer book for year C, which is not what I need) I opened was blank on page 56, the second one (Best Practices in Parish Stewardship) had a chart on page 56, and the third (In Conversation with God, Volume One for Advent and Christmastide, which I will read this Advent) was blank too! So, I went to the bookcase and pulled out a book not quite shelved properly, Come be My Light and here is what you get:

Her longing to begin the work among the poorest of the poor of Calcutta was becoming ever stronger.As a result, Mother Theresa engaged in a spirited exchange of letters with Archbishop Perier over the next several months. She tried to convince him to let her begin; he, with all due prudence, insisted on the need to wait.

Tag, you're IT!
Happy Catholic
Snoring Scholar
Dominican Bungalow

1 comment:

Ebeth said...

Thanks for playing, Deanna. I figured you'd be surrounded by Advent prep stuff!
