Friday, July 31, 2009

It's Friday

1. I do not know how I have arrived at the end of July. Where did the month go? And more importantly, why have I not accomplished anything this month? Wait, I think I know what happened. My dad had open-heart surgery; my husband applied and was accepted into the diaconate formation program and we attended our first formation event. Both of these sent me into an emotional tailspin. I am still trying to recover.

2. I published the August/September issue of our parish newsletter, The Call. It was longer than usual since I had more translated into Spanish.

3. This week I have been struggling with feelings of despair. I am so close to finishing my master's in Pastoral Administration and I had to apply for an extension for course 9 papers, due to #1 and my time never seems like it is my own. I know God is there, but boy, the other guy is really working on me too. Mass and Eucharist help a great deal, but at times even that seems so remote. I am definitely in a dry spell.

4. On the upside, my front lawn looks very pretty. The grass had been taken over by some disease or lack of water or something. So, my husband and a friend dug it all up and laid new sod down. It was all finished this morning. Now it needs to be watered until it takes root. I hope it rains all weekend!

5. I am looking forward to our Gospel readings all this month. We will be hearing the Bread of Life discourse from John 6 and I think anytime we can pause and focus on the Eucharist it is a good thing. I pray that more people come to realize the true Presence and realize what an awesome gift we have been given.

6. My daughter said something very touching the other day. We were discussing how, when ordained, deacons take a vow of Chastity and if his wife dies, he cannot re-marry (unless there are certain exceptions, which would not apply to my husband). She said, "Mom, Dad would not marry anyone else anyway." I guess they notice more than I realize.

7. A quote from Julian of Norwich, "I am he; that is to say: I am he, the power and goodness of fatherhood; I am he, the wisdom and the lovingness of motherhood; I am he, the light and the grace which is all blessed love; I am he, the Trinity; I am he, the unity; O am he, the great supreme goodness of every kind of thing; I am he who makes you to love; I am he who makes you to ling; I am he, the endless fulfilling of all true desires. For where the soul is highest, noblest, most honorable, still it is lowest, meekest, and mildest." from Showings

1 comment:

Marie said...

Big sympathy for you with your dad, mine had quadruple bypass six months ago, it's quite a shock when it happens, even if you should have seen it coming. It does change things, but I think for the better, generally people feel so much better than they have in a long time, and they didn't even realize how rotten they felt. This ripples out to the people they love, I've got a lot less stress coming from my dad since he is feeling better. Maybe you've got some exhaustion, and you can rest a bit more? Hope it goes easier for you, soon.