Friday, January 7, 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday

7 x 7 quick takes, but don't worry it's not long!
1.  Let's start with prayer requests:  for all  pregnant women, especially those who having difficulties; for those with cancer; for safe travels; for the unemployed; for all parish staffs; for the unborn, that they be protected; for those who have left the faith.

2.  For all that I am thankful for:  my husband, my children, my friends, my ability to change, the possibilities in my life, faith, the Eucharist.

3.  Projects I am working on:  dinner dance, golf tournament, next issue of The Call, making raffle prize baskets for Miracle House dinner, baking biscotti (literally as I type, for the Miracle House dinner), putting Christmas decorations away, organizing 2010 paperwork for taxes.

4.  Things I am looking forward to:  my parents coming for the winter, weekend alone, a friend's birthday party, Internet connection being restored to the office, new books to read, my daughter finishing college, new opportunities coming my way.

5.  The best part of it being just my husband and me:  no dinner complaints, no one else's laundry in the dryer, there is always a bathroom available, less trash, less dirty dishes, no problems getting in or out of the driveway/garage, we watch whatever we want from Netflix.

6.  What I'd like to be different:  more organized in my personal life, better plan for spiritual growth, find a spiritual director, have more time for fun, professionalism in my office, see my son more often, be able to attend Mass on Sunday just as participant.

7.  My favorites:  books, candles, lipstick, flowers, anything pink, coffee,  chocolate

For more Quick Takes, head on over to Conversion Diary!

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