Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Reflection

In the second reading and the Gospel we are called to open our eyes, live in the light and do what is pleasing to God. When I read the Gospel, I kept thinking "who is blind?" And I realized that often, instead of thinking that I am blind, that it is everyone around me. But, truthfully, if the first thought is about someone else, that is wrong. I am blind to my shortcomings and failings. I can be blind to the needs of those around me because I am wrapped up in my own desires.

The Pharisees are blind to their own need to be in charge, to be right, to be in control. That is why they had so many rules to follow, so everything could happen exactly the way it is supposed to happen. But those rules caused them to be blind to the needs of those around them.

In the frist reading about Samuel and David, I thought about whom I identified most with in the story. I asked myself the question again as read the Gospel. First I thought, well, the blind man. I want Jesus to open my eyes to see clearly what is going on around me, so I can be of service to him. Then I sat a little longer with the reading. The next thought made me uncomfortable. No, I don’t want to be Jesus. I want to be in charge. Which sounds like a Pharisee. It goes back to my first comment, who are the people around me who need to open their eyes. And who is going to open their eyes? Me. By telling everyone what to do and how to do it, if everyone would follow my rules, agree with my plans things would be great.

Well, not really. I am good at many things, just like all of you. But I am not good at everything, just like you. Our blindness comes when we forget to acknowledge our own faults and failings but clearly see our husband’s, children’s or co-workers’. Our blindness is apparent when we don’t see others’ gifts and talents because to do so might mean to acknowledge that the person might be better at it than me or worse, can do something I can’t do at all. Our blindness can strike us when 'different' from me becomes 'bad.' To me, anytime I see only one side, I am blind.

Jesus can heal us of our spiritual blindness. Once we admit change is needed, the work can begin. In our parish, there is much work to do. And as we discussed last night, all of us are called in some way to contribute. By thinking about what you can do, rather than thinking about what others should be we move form blindness to sight.

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