Friday, November 30, 2012

7 Quick Takes

1.  My friend is coming over in twenty four minutes to watch a dvd, Living the Discerning Life, so I must be quick about these "takes."

2.  For the maybe fourth time in my life I had a manicure last week.  I am considering doing this on a regular basis.  wait, I mean manicure with my own nails, since there was a brief time where I had fake nails put on or fills or whatever they were called. Anyway  the manicure was relaxing, though just watching people get pedicures was yucky to me.

3.  This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent.  I made a fabric wreath, it's over here if you want to take a look. No time for a picture, I have seventeen minutes to go.

4.  I started Christmas shopping.  My goal is to do it all on-line except stocking stuffers.  Of course, my list is pretty short so that makes it very easy.

5.  I have spoiled people with my biscotti.  Seriously, the other day Maggie and I were out and stopped at a cafe for lunch to go and she bought some biscotti.  They were not very tasty according to the three people, besides myself who tried them.  So excited for my new trays to make the anisette toast in this year besides the almond and chocolate chip biscotti.

6.  My Thanksgiving decorations are all put away.  Now my front door looks naked without something on it, but the consensus is "too early  for a Christmas wreath.  I guess I'll see what I can come up with and force myself to go to the craft store for supplies.

7.  I received my new Advent at Ephesus cd yesterday and have been playing it all day today.  Thanks to Catholic Mom for the chance to win it last week.

Want to read a few more Quick takes?  Go over to Conversion Diary!  I mad eit with time to make tea!

1 comment:

Maria (also Bia) said...

i have never had a manicure ... ever. some of my friends don't believe me, but there you have it.

and yesterday i finished most of my christmas shopping. really.