Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I've become that person

I've become that person.  You know, that person who forgets to respond to emails and phone calls and texts.  I like the rule, return communications within the day received.  I lived by it as much as possible, but the last few weeks have been an epic fail in this area.

I've become that person who writes the wrong date or time on the calendar and so I am in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I keep double-booking and over-booking myself, not allowing time to get things done like food shopping or laundry.

I've become that person who thinks running around being busy is productive and must mean I am important.

I've become that person I complain about; you know that one who says "I have so much to do" and you think, "really, too bad for you, I just sit around eating bonbons and watching soaps all day", while in real life you work full time and take care of your aging mother and toddler and teen.

I've become that person and she needs to go.

There she goes running rowing away....
No, that's not me, but that is the machine I use at the gym!

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