Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I just started using a website called Slideshare.  The purpose is to put up presentations and documents you want others to be able to access without having to worry if they have the right program to open it or you having to convert it before sending it.  You can upload various types of stuff (very technical word, I know) and there it sits, in a cloud waiting for people to look at it.
Late this afternoon I uploaded a power point that parents can view if they are not able to come to the parent meeting or to refer back to if necessary.  Apparently, over 200 people have already viewed it.  I don't even have that many families enrolled in the faith formation nor did I send it to anyone.  Seems strange to me.  Would you look at a presentation about a faith formation program in some parish you don't attend?  Are my power points that interesting? Let's hope the parents think so on Sunday.  I think I'll let them know how many people took a look.
Do you want to see it?  Here's the link. Fascinating isn't it, especially the snack information.
Okay, silliness aside, I do think it will be a useful tool to get information out. The more ways I can spread the word, the better.

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