Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Lawn Chair Catechism and a Well Built Faith #1

Summer is almost upon us and so it's time for Lawn Chair Catechism at CatholicMom!  This summer we are reading and discussing A Well Built Faith:  A Catholic's Guide to Knowing and Sharing What We Believe by Joe Paprocki.  I am personally thrilled with the selection and have bought books for the catechists and encouraged them to read and discuss for their continuing education.  You don't need a blog to join in, you can leave comments here or at Catholic Mom.  Let's get started!

Chapter 1:  Laying a Firm Foundation:  Transmitting Faith  (Post and Questions are here)

A few quotes which jumped out at me from this chapter "Christians are made, not born." (Tertullian); "Following Jesus requires not only information but transformation." ; "When it comes to forming Catholics in faith, we should begin with the end in mind."

These are things I think about not only because it is my job to teach and help people be formed in the faith but because I am a human person striving to eventually be in Heaven.  And I'd like those I love to be there with me!  Heaven is the end I desire.  Not any time soon, so don't worry, but when I think about where I'd like to spend eternity, heaven is my answer.  

Paprocki points out that few of us will ever be canonized saints, but "we are all to become saints" as understood by the early Church who referred to faithful followers of Jesus as the saints.  I love that.  And now I know where that comes from more specifically than I did before I read this chapter. 

Let's all strive to be saints and allow God to form us, "through the Church."

See you next week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes!!! inspiring, encouraging insights