Friday, September 5, 2014

7 Quick Takes about Joy, being nice, Polish proverbs and prayer bags

1.  Since last Friday lots of very good things have happened in regard to my husband's recovery.  His PICC line was removed which means he no longer has IV antibiotics, his last hyperbaric treatment is today and we have a date to remove the external fixator and pins.  Tuesday he's going back to work.  On now to the dance of joy:

2.  You know the dance of joy, no?  From Perfect Strangers, a sit-com from the 1986 - 1993.  Loved that show. Seasons 1 and 2 are on Netflix.  What ever happened to sit-coms?  Oh yea, now we have reality TV so we can watch other people's lives and either be thankful we aren't like them or  wish we were like them.  This is why every time we discuss tv, we decide against it. 

3.  I've spent way too much time this week being annoyed at people being rude.  I don't understand it all.  I know I'm rude sometimes, especially if I have to deal with people who want their way and are being difficult or lying to me when they want my help.  I will say though, that rudeness in your professional work is not acceptable and to be rude in an email is not a good idea.  Along with rudeness is the air of superiority that subtly conveys you think I don't know what you are talking about; don't you feel silly when I do?  You probably don't because you are so wrapped up in yourself you don't see others at all, which is why you are rude to begin with. Are people rude because they are soooooooooo busy?  I know many, many genuinely busy people who are not rude. They are not rude, they know it's not all about them.  I think that is the key.  We need a campaign to stop rudeness.


5.  Have you heard the phrase "Not my circus, not my monkeys" that is said to be a Polish proverb.  Well, I checked it out with my Polish friend and he said it is; but not used much over in Poland.  I told him it's all over Pinterest and Facebook.  He also told me how to say it in Polish, but I think I'll stick with the English.  

6.  I am making up "prayer bags" for each faith formation class.  Each week a different child will take the bag home and use what's in it to set up a little rayer space at home and pray with their family.  I saw the idea somewhere and really liked it.  So far the bags will contain: a statue of a saint or Mary, prayer card to match statue, rosary CD and pamphlet, LED candle, rosaries, a Catholic talk on CD (for parents) and a cloth to use for displaying the items.  I'll also include suggestions for how to use everything.  What else could go into the bags?  

7. This is a busy sacrament weekend.    Tomorrow three men will be ordained to the Permanent Diaconate for the  Diocese of Palm Beach.  After five yeas of formation the day has arrived.  Excited, pleased and proud for and of them.  Then Sunday we have Confirmation as well as two adults coming into the Church.  The Holy Spirit will be moving!   

Click over to Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes!


Kathleen Basi said...

I will pray for your husband!

Elizabeth said...

Continued prayers for your husband, and yes I so remember the happy dance! Also really like the prayer bags for faith formation and may borrow this idea. :) Do you have follow-up conversation planned too? It would be really cool to hear their experience and would add an element of accountability to do it.